Traditional Midwifery
Services Provided
In this practice I provide complete care for normal pregnancy, labor, and postpartum care for
both the mother and baby. Preferably we begin care between 8-12 weeks with visits lasting an
hour to an hour and a half. Appointments occur once a month from when a woman joins the
practice up until 32 weeks. From 32 weeks through 36 appointments occur every 2 weeks. From
36 weeks on we will meet weekly until the birth. I will attend your birth, along with at least 1
trained assistant. I will come to your home when you are in labor as you need and /or want
attending. I stay with you and you new baby until both are fully stable and confortable. Postpartum care consist of visits in your home within the first 24 hours, on day 3,
another visit between 10-14 days after there birth. There is also a optional 6 week visit at a
location to be agreed upon at the previous visit.
In addition to your care I offer as part of your birthing package:
A birth tub as a labor/birthing option
Herbal sitz-bath for healing
Placenta encapsulation
$500. Discount for prenatal self care!
Transfer of Care/ Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making
There are advantages and disadvantages to home birth, and each family must decide which
birth setting feels best for them. Home birth allows woman more control over both their care
and their babies, the environment they birth in and who will be with them. Education of
pregnancy, the birth process and preparation for postpartum is an intricately part of midwifery
In preparing for a home birth it is necessary to understand what will happen in the event
transfer to the hospital is required; together we will fill out a EMERGENCY CARE PLAN, this will
have your information, i.e.: name, birth date, address, phone numbers, insurance information,
number for closest hospital. Midwives are trained to handle emergency’s that arise and are
always monitoring for anything that may need transporting for to a hospital with greater
medical ability’s.
If transport is needed for any reason, I stay with you every step of the way and will continue
with postpartum care when you return home.
An important component of midwifery care is informed consent. Typically this refers to the
rights of health care consumers to be fully informed with the best evidence, including benefits
and risk on testing and treatment options so that they, along with their care giver, can make
the best decision.
Doctor supervision/ Insurance/Accountability /HIPPA
I have no formal supervision or back-up from a doctor. I do not carry any malpractice insurance.
I have a friendly relationship with both hospitals (CHOMP and Natividad Medical Center). If we
need to consult with an OB/pediatrician or hospital I am able to facilitate this with you easily.
I comply to the laws that regulated all CA licensed midwives and NARM, National American
Registry of Midwives. This requires continuing education, neonatal resuscitation certification,
adult CPR certification and participate in the peer review process.
In the process of peer review, working with any students/apprentices, as well as with any
consulting or collaborations done with other care providers I ask permission to share your
records. In the case of peer review your information would be shared with out your name.
This is part of the privacy and security that is referred to as HIPPA.
Please take a moment to read about your rights under the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act and affirm the following authorizations for disclosure of protected health
information (PHI): Gates Traditional Midwifery may use or disclose your PHI to carry out treatment, payment or healthcare operations (TPO) related to your care.
Examples would be: medical consultations, referrals, transfer of care, lab or ultrasound orders,
and insurance claims on your behalf.
You have the right to:
- Request access to your health records at any time
- Request corrections be made to your health record
- Request that all communications regarding your care with Gates Traditional Midwifery
Services Be restricted from unsecured transmissions (fax, email, voice mail)
- Complain about a violation of your privacy to us, our licensing board, our certification
board, or the US office for Civil Rights
- Refuse the following authorization:
I agree to allow Gates Traditional Midwives to discuss, not using my name, my treatment and
care with colleagues as part of professional peer review.
Professional Accountability
In creating accountability there is put in place; the NARM (National American Registry of
Midwives) Accountability Process. This process validates continued competency and
professional conduct. In addition to certification and recertification, NARM utilizes three levels
of oversight and review of a CPM practice: community per review, complaint review and the
grievance mechanism.
You will be given the opportunity to ask questions about this document .
Please keep a copy for your records.